zakiwana guide - prologue
you're born from a peach your mother found floating down a river. after your parents see what's inside the peach, you could have been eaten as they thought you were food at first, but as they realized you are actually alive, they decide to give you the name of zaki. this is where you start living a normal life with your new family
years have passed, zaki's now 17 years old. she's returning home after finally finishing school. however, as she enter her house, she finds miku - her classmate - stealing volume 39 of a manga she's been reading called imoyasha pun between inuyasha and potato in japanese
a rather unexpected set of events, but aside of that, zaki notices that miku's behavior is stranger than usual... anyway, she goes on a journey to recover the manga volume. before that though, she needs to take care of her parents who have been attacked by miku first, so she puts them on the bed before going outside