
i wanna be the galaxy (english mod)

fanmade english mod for the world famous fangame i wanna be the galaxy
i only take credit for the translation, the game itself was made by sureiru

this is more of a silent release as i couldn't reach to sureiru for permission, so i plan to keep it avaiable through this blog post until i'm asked to take it down

if you found a missing translation, a typo, bad letter capitalizing or just feel like i translated something wrong then please let me know so i can fix it
make sure to read the additional notes textfile before pointing out any issues

I wanna be the Galaxy [ver1.01EN6]
I wanna be the Galaxy [ver1.04EN6]

    update 2024.04.13 -- v1.0XEN6
  • fixed a single missing translation ver1.04
  • fixed a dialogue mistranslation
  • made some slight changes to the english
    update 2024.03.31 -- v1.0XEN5
  • fixed more missing translations ver1.04
  • properly tested from start to end this time ver1.04
    update 2024.03.30 -- v1.0XEN4
  • fixed abilities being already unlocked ver1.04
  • fixed more missing translations ver1.04
    update 2024.03.18 -- v1.0XEN3
  • fixed a mistranslation about a bugfix ver1.04
    update 2024.03.16 -- v1.0XEN2
  • untested, but finished translation for the latest version
  • "fixed" some english
    update 2024.03.14 -- v1.0XEN1
  • fixed a minor mistake on the textfiles