
zakiwana guide - normal ending

normal ending

zaki has failed to find the bow that defuses the bomb, so at this point the bomb would explode. but then the kid shows up and opens a warp to absorb all of the bows and bombs, at the cost of his own life

zaki begins to feel sad for the kid's sacrifice. despite the unfortunate set of events, her friends tell her that it is not time for that. we need to get out of this place as soon as possible

as zaki keeps going through the stairs, spike walls start to appear and she's about to get crushed. the dog and the bird decide to sacrifice themselves as well to stop the walls, leading zaki to once again feel sad for losing her 2 remaining friends

eventually zaki finally makes it home, but she can't sleep well due to losing all of her friends. this causes her to go insane after waking up one day, leading her to commiting suicide

your ending is: normal ending