zakiwana guide - final stage
at the end of the stage there's a camera that you need to shoot to progress. there's no need to shoot the one at the beginning, the one at the end will be enough
★ why do the 3 optional avoidances matter?
after the kid beats all of the 3 avoidances that you've seen on Disc1, he gets teleported to the universe zaki lives in. this can be seen on the first auto-scroll stage, which is why the exe for that stage had 2 passwords for booting
he then finds himself lost in this stage, and can't do anything because he's trapped in nothing but gray cherries. your mission is to rescue him so he can join your team
this of course only happens when you've beaten all the avoidances, because you need the kid to be alive so he can make it to zaki's universe. the opposite effect of that will be the kid just not existing and therefore being unable to recruit a new team member
★ rescuing the kid
the first thing you want to do is hit a certain trigger with a gray cherry on it. it's located at the top left, after the fast platform. this will get rid of the gray cherries that block the path to the kid
after hitting that trigger, you need to fall down until you reach the 芋 kanji you've seen during the fast platform rising. an invisible trigger is located at the lowest landing on that kanji, which will unlock a path to the right
you'll need to do a slightly buffed f jump, but there's blocks at the left that help you get back to the f jump in case you failed it
now keep walking to the right, and you'll eventually find the kid. he wakes up and explains what happened. zaki and the kid introduce themselves, and now the kid is part of your team
be careful though, the platform above the kid is also really fast. about half a second after just getting in it, jump off the platform. otherwise you'll die to the spikes at the top and will need to do everything again
if you sucessfully made it to the blocks at the top, keep going right until you reach the top-right part of the room, then fall down to the bottom. the camera that ends the stage will be located there