
neocities migration

i recently felt like adding more stuff to my site, and as some may already know i only had blogspot for that matter, so i was very limited when it came to customization, which i thought was necessary if i wanted to make multiple sections with different layouts. therefore, i decided to migrate everything to neocities and ditch blogspot for good. google ain't it anymore

i've learned a good amount of basic html/css, mostly css. i don't think i have a single regret yet. css is very fun to mess around with, it gives me a feeling of freedom that i wouldn't get from most modern site builders whose user interface i struggled to understand. i say this as a person who has tried several of those, blogspot and carrd were probably the most decent out of the bunch but all in all they're so much inferior to actual webdev when i try to give my site an identity

i also took my time to rewrite all my blog posts, because the html code written in them back then was quite bad. i can't say the code i write now is great either but it's most definitely better than the mess i had in there. i don't know what was i thinking when i spammed <br> and bolded with <b>

obviously making multiple pages by copying the same html for the layout sounded absolutely painful, so i searched for SSGs that made it less painful. someone suggested sveltekit to me, so that's what i'm using right now

i have my complaints about sveltekit, but it does the job so i'm keeping it until i find something better. my tiny brain couldn't understand how svelte worked at first, so a good amount of the work was done by the guy i mentioned above. i eventually got the hang of it though, so pretty much everything aside from the blog layout fixup and the main setup was done by me

regarding the old blogspot site - i'll leave it there for the links to work, but i won't be updating it anymore. i highly recommend changing all the blogspot links to the neocities ones, as i can't say with 100% confidence that it will stay up forever

expect to see more new sections as time passes, though the time span may be quite long. for the time being, this should be enough